Monday, January 27, 2014

The ax and the apron.

My ax and my apron.  They are an odd couple, yet so perfectly matched.  It's the beauty in opposites.  Ya' know, it's that whole push/pull, up/down, light/dark. And ideas like opposites attracting and the yin and yang.  We are always looking for similarities in our people we befriend, but forget that we just might need the opposite of us in order to become...well, whole.  Sure, sure this is not a new or novel concept (and so very cheesy as well), but it is really exciting to remember why my ax and my apron having been given to me on the same day makes it so special.  Seemingly plain gifts that remind me that I have honored my opposites and that I'm gonna be just fine.  So, now you know...have you honored your opposites?

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