Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Be Kind, Rewind.

Last year, an incredible thing happened.  I was in line to pay for my order, piled high with school supplies and back to school necessities. A woman lined up behind me.  I must have clearly looked overwhelmed and nervous because she smiled and said quietly, "back to school is stressful, isn't it?"  I nodded and let out a huge sigh.

Here's the thing.  Finances were tight and when your kids ask for ALL THE THINGS and you have to say no to most...well, back to school sucks.  I wanted to get them the new things. The backpack that files your homework (If only, right?).  The shoes that "everyone has, Mom."  The top of the line pens and those cool doodads that make going back to school a little less dreadful. *Sigh* Well, I couldn't do that for them.  They got what they needed, which was fine, but not as much fun.  They smiled weakly and finally stopped asking.  *Sigh*  It's hard.  But, I know they are learning budgeting and financial responsibility watching their dad and I make important choices about how we spend the money we earn.  But, that's a entirely separate story.

So the incredible thing...this woman, who had so aptly identified me as fried and a little sad.  This woman, she says: "You know, I would like to pay for your order today.  I would like to share my gifts with you and help."  The boys' eyes flared open with wonder.  I just started crying.  I tried to say "no" because it was just too generous.  It was too much.  She was so gentle, but so very insistent.  I tried to get her name and she, with a huge smile, said, "just someone who wants to do something nice for someone else."

I left the store in disbelief.  Did that just happen?  Was this a joke and someone is pranking me?  The boys were busy chattering back and forth about this crazy thing that just happened and how Mom cried in the checkout line.  I vowed to return the favor and do the same for someone else.

Time passed, and I would think about it and then forget when I was in line.  Again and again, I would remember after it was too late.  Not today.  Today, I remembered.  And it was incredible.

I ran out to the store to grab a few things before I picked up my son from his magical second day of school.  I got in line and there was a elderly man looking for the right line to get into.  I watched him try to choose three different lines, all to be cut off and stared down by other, more "aggressive", shoppers.  I signaled for him to come over to my line.  "You're welcome to jump in front of me," I said.  He looked shocked.  I waved for him to come over and moved my cart to let him in.  *ZING*  I got butterflies and I REMEMBERED!  Yes!  This is the one I need to pay for his order and return the generous gesture of that kind woman!!  This is it!  I said, "you know, someone did a really wonderful thing for me and I would like to do the same for you.  Would you allow me to pay for your order today?"  He said, "it's more than I think you should spend on a stranger."  "No," I said.  "It's meant to be and it's good."  The cute thing was that it really was a modest order.  He told me that he was celebrating his wedding anniversary tonight and wanted to get her some special treats.  I was SO EXCITED to hear this and learned that his name was Chuck.  He and Marlene were celebrating their anniversary together and I was so happy to help make it special.

Repaying the kindness took some turnaround time, which I believe was part of the plan.  Today I got to feel the joy that the kind stranger felt, who was "just someone who wants to do something nice for someone else."  How often we forget that being kind, in any way, can have such a fabulous ripple effect.  From a simple smile, a genuine compliment, lending a helping hand, or paying for someone's order, it just might be the very moment that they most need your random act of kindness.

Be kind, Rewind.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Just keep swimming...

I used to see it as a chronic pathology.  I always felt like it was wrong, the way I moved on from things.  Like I should stay with it until it or I die.  Recently, I have come to see it differently...and I call it moving forward.

I don't hold still...literally and figuratively.  My dad told me once that I would start with reorganinzing my room; the drawers, the accessories, then the furniture.  He said once I ran out of things to organize, I would look at my life and start reorganizing that.  Start school, new career, new hobby...you get the idea.  I have always had a tendency to establish a goal, reach it, and then Move On...sometimes it meant leaving that thing behind.  For a long time I think that I was a little reluctant to actually reach my goals for fear that I would then need to move on from it.  I would reach my goal and then move on, and on some level I thought that was wrong.  It made people nervous and they would ask questions and ask me to think more about it before I decided.

For the longest time I have felt guilty about moving on.  I played competitive soccer, I moved on. I got my bachleor's degree, I moved on. I got my masters degree,  I moved on. I became a successful independent sales director, I moved on.  I played roller derby, I move on (*one of the more challenging moves, I must admit).  I got my RVT license, and I moved on...see a pattern?

So I would always feel bad because I think I really thought people expected me to stay in the same spot.  First point, no one is thinking that hard about me, right? (How vain can I really be?)  Second, why would it matter?  I'm continually moving on because I'm moving forward. I'm growing and I'm changing.  Maybe some people don't do that.  I realized, I don't have to feel bad about what I'm not currently doing, because I did it for that time and it serves it's purpose and it made me who I am right now.  And right now is good.  Really GOOD!

The best thing about each and every thing that I moved on from is that I did it with every ounce of me. I put 120% into every single thing I choose to pursue.  And that, right there, is all there is to consider.  It's not pathological, because there isn't a single thing wrong with the pursuit of growth.

So, as I continue to move on...I will continue to grow, explore, and become.  So much better than pathological, don't you think?