Monday, August 1, 2016

Just keep swimming...

I used to see it as a chronic pathology.  I always felt like it was wrong, the way I moved on from things.  Like I should stay with it until it or I die.  Recently, I have come to see it differently...and I call it moving forward.

I don't hold still...literally and figuratively.  My dad told me once that I would start with reorganinzing my room; the drawers, the accessories, then the furniture.  He said once I ran out of things to organize, I would look at my life and start reorganizing that.  Start school, new career, new get the idea.  I have always had a tendency to establish a goal, reach it, and then Move On...sometimes it meant leaving that thing behind.  For a long time I think that I was a little reluctant to actually reach my goals for fear that I would then need to move on from it.  I would reach my goal and then move on, and on some level I thought that was wrong.  It made people nervous and they would ask questions and ask me to think more about it before I decided.

For the longest time I have felt guilty about moving on.  I played competitive soccer, I moved on. I got my bachleor's degree, I moved on. I got my masters degree,  I moved on. I became a successful independent sales director, I moved on.  I played roller derby, I move on (*one of the more challenging moves, I must admit).  I got my RVT license, and I moved on...see a pattern?

So I would always feel bad because I think I really thought people expected me to stay in the same spot.  First point, no one is thinking that hard about me, right? (How vain can I really be?)  Second, why would it matter?  I'm continually moving on because I'm moving forward. I'm growing and I'm changing.  Maybe some people don't do that.  I realized, I don't have to feel bad about what I'm not currently doing, because I did it for that time and it serves it's purpose and it made me who I am right now.  And right now is good.  Really GOOD!

The best thing about each and every thing that I moved on from is that I did it with every ounce of me. I put 120% into every single thing I choose to pursue.  And that, right there, is all there is to consider.  It's not pathological, because there isn't a single thing wrong with the pursuit of growth.

So, as I continue to move on...I will continue to grow, explore, and become.  So much better than pathological, don't you think?

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