Monday, November 5, 2018

Why are kind acts surprises?

It seems whenever there are acts of kindness, no matter how small, they come as a surprise to people who receive them.  Just today I offered to get a shopping cart for a woman who didn't want to approach the construction zone that they were located near.  No biggie, right?  Well, she was waiting for me inside the store to tell me she was grateful and that she has rarely been treated with such kindness.  Wha?  Hold up.  That disturbs me, yet I know it to be more often than not...true.  People really are in their own world and not aware of, or not willing to reach out with kindness or courteousness.  Even the most simple gesture, a smile.  Many don't even make eye contact, let alone greet you with a smile.  I know it's scary out there and trusting or greeting strangers isn't always a wise course, but it makes me sad that even the most trivial of kindnesses is actually shocking.  The other day a man held the door for me..and guess what?  I was surprised.  Yep, I am just as guilty of not expecting people to be nice.  Sad, really.  And I have had my efforts to be kind backfire and the person turns out to be a total douche - irreverent, rude, and entitled - like I'm their servant.  Yuck.  But I point is that I will continue to be kind and reach out and smile at you.  I will offer you a cart, hold the door open, let you go in front of me in line with fewer items than my motherload of groceries.  I will allow you to cross the street without exuding searing irritation.  I will let you know your haircut is cute and tell you to hang in there if your kids are wreaking havoc in the freezer isle.  At times, people have done so for me and it has meant everything in that moment and well beyond.  Maybe it will mean everything to someone else too.

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